Entity Framework

Upcoming ASP.NET MVC posts

January 20, 2010 · 1 min read

Most of this may or may not be relevant to your situation but after completing development, staging, and most of the production implementation of an ASP.NET MVC site I wanted to share some of what I learned.

The majority are one or two-off hacks from someone else's code or a down/upgrade where appropriate, creating a Frankenstein. These won't necessarily be in order I don't think.

  • Homepage - various jQuery plugins & content fetching
  • Content/ structure
  • Elmah

    • Code version: 1.1.11517.2009
    • Downgraded ELMAH_LogError stored procedure to SQL 2000
    • ELMAH_LogError pruning taken from 2 blog posts from a single source
  • Editing 1:1, 1:M or M:M in Entity Framework
  • Validation with xVal and DataAnnotations - straight up from the samples
  • Image/Link/CSS/JScriptHelpers - using tagbuilder to eliminate a lot of code in markup
  • jQuery uses

    • Delete links - tweak of an Http Delete implementation
    • Ajaxy Http Post/Gets
    • Image rollover
    • Google analytics
    • TinyMCE
  • Areas

    • Views/Web.config copied from main project
    • T4MVCAdmin fork to handle Links and Controller references (that is now quite old)
  • SQL 2000 from 2005

    • nvarchar(max) to nvarchar(4000) - ntext is more of a 1:1 mapping but it meant significant stored proc changes
    • using SqlPubWiz
  • MsBuild scripts - dependency chaining, SqlPubWiz integration via Community Tasks, etc.

    • Database
    • Web

I'll try to refer to this verbatim as my defacto outline and even that isn't quite structured correctly enough. It'll work itself out as the posts are made I'm sure. I'm using this to hopefully keep me motivated to completing them all.